10 Housekeeping Tips- From a real Housekeeper!

10 tips

10 Housekeeping Tips and Tricks from a real Housekeeper!

I don’t know about you but I just love a clean and organized house… probably because I’m a professional Housekeeper lol. In my years of experience, I have developed some great Housekeeping routines and tricks that work in my home. It also helps me clean other people’s homes more efficiently. I wanted to share some of these tips and tricks for all the busy moms and dads out there who are trying to juggle housework, kids, school, after school activities, work, and everything else along the way! I hope some of these tips help save you precious time that you could be spending with your family.

1. Clean room-to-room. This is the most important tip. Do not start in one room and stop and move into another room before finishing the first. This WILL drive you crazy!! And it isn’t always easy to remember what you’ve already done in each room either. Focusing on one room at a time from start to finish is always best. The one exception to this is vacuuming, and/or mopping. I usually save this for the very last thing I do and I vacuum all the rooms together then mop the hard surfaces.
2. How to clean a room. Always start with the dusting and go from top to bottom dusting the ceilings, then the wall décor, then furniture, then baseboards. Once you finish dusting, wipe and disinfect every surface in that room. (Don’t forget wiping/disinfecting your walls, door knobs, and light switches) Again, I like to save my vacuuming until the very end. Once you have all of the rooms done on one floor, vacuum and mop that floor. Move on to the next floor.
3. Sort your mail when you get it. This may not seem very important but it really is! Look around your house right now… Do you have piles of unopened mail sitting around?? Sorting your mail when you get it out of the mailbox and tossing the junk mail really helps eliminate those piles! If you don’t have the 2 minutes it takes to sort it daily, then at least sort through the piles and toss the junk weekly. Keep a file folder for all of your important mail and keep it close to your trash basket (I have mine on the wall in my utility room) this makes sorting your mail daily easier.
4. Keep a laundry basket in every room. I have 2 laundry baskets in my laundry room, and one in all 3 bedrooms, and a small one in my bathroom. This helps keep the pile of clothes off of your floors and it makes your rooms look tidy. Before bed each night I usually round up all the laundry in each basket and put it by the washing machine for the morning.
5. Do your dishes after you finish eating each meal. If you have a dishwasher, this will be a lot easier! I hate hate hate dirty dishes piled up in my sink! After every meal, I rinse all of the dishes and load my dishwasher. Even when we didn’t have a dishwasher, I would at least start soaking my dishes right after dinner and wash them before I went to bed for the night. Once the dishes are taken care of, wipe your counters down. Take the 5-10 minutes to do this after every meal and your kitchen wont turn into a daunting disaster!
6. Label your kids toy bins. I have a few 3 drawer dressers and a bookshelf filled with different baskets and closable bins that my kids use to store their toys. I label each basket/bin with things like “baby doll clothes” or “coloring books” or “markers and crayons” so my kids know where their toys belong. I can’t say they ALWAYS put them in the right spots but it does really help! Once or twice a month I go in their drawers and bins and reorganize things that they put in the wrong spots. This also helps lessen the “MOM, Where’s my…..” questions!
7. Make a deep cleaning schedule. Setting up a deep cleaning routine for your household to fit your needs is great! I like to do mine based on the days of the week. Mondays I deep clean the bathroom. Tuesdays I deep clean the kitchen. Wednesdays I deep clean the laundry/utility room. You get the idea. Even if that is the only cleaning task you complete that day… at least you have a really clean part of your house for the day!
8. Pick a block of uninterrupted time to clean your house. I like to clean my house when I have a good hour or two block of time that I know I can clean uninterrupted. Such as nap time, when the kids are in school, ect. It is much easier to clean your home and stay focused when you don’t have constant interruptions.
9. Save cleaning your bathroom and/or kitchen for last. It is much easier to focus on the daunting task of cleaning a bathroom or kitchen when the rest of your house is already clean. If you have the entire house cleaned already… will the half hour on the kitchen or bathroom really seem so bad?? If the answer is yes… it still seems really bad… then just push through it and know in the end that the rest of the house is already clean so you can relax! 😉
10. Spend 20 minutes every night before you go to bed picking up. Whether it’s cleaning up the kitchen, the play room, or the living room… Spending 20 minutes before going to bed each night cleaning, will jump start your mornings! I know I personally love waking up to a semi-clean house! You can then spend the next morning on tasks you didn’t finish the night before.

If you use all of these tips and tricks combined you will have a well running clean household! I hope you like these tips and tricks! If you have any questions just ask me! 🙂

The Best Cleaning Products to use in your home- From a real Housekeeper!


Are you thinking about becoming a Housekeeper? Or are you just looking for some good products to use in your home? Either way, I wanted to share with you the products I use every single day to clean not only my own home, but to clean my clients homes as well! Keep in mind that I do use chemical cleaners… Some people like to use all natural products in their homes which is great! I just don’t have any listed on my site.  I have tried using a few different all natural products in my home, but the one’s I tried didn’t clean as well and defiantly didn’t produce that “clean” smell that I am used to. So I stick with what I know and like.  I have listed all of the cleaning products I have in my own cleaning totes on my Amazon Site.  If you are thinking about starting your own Housekeeping business, you will find everything you need in my store.  I have most of the products listed in bulk for you.  Buying in bulk is always best when purchasing cleaning supplies…Especially if you run a Housekeeping business!  Even if you are just looking for products to use in your own home, buying in bulk will save you tons money and trips to the store.  If you have any questions about the products I use, like how and where I use them.. just ask me!  Have fun shopping 😉

Housekeeping Supplies

Top 5 Affiliate Marketing Programs to join!


If you are a blogger or have a website in general.. you can make money at home with Affiliate Marketing Programs!  What is an Affiliate Marketing Program you ask? Well.. put simple.. an Affiliate Marketing Program is a program that pays you a commission when someone purchases something they found via your blog or website.  You can be a part of many different affiliate programs.  Most are free to join and some will even allow you to create an online store and link it to your blog/website for free.  The amount of commission you make per purchase varies with each program and each purchase made, but its typically between 4-10% commission.  I know that’s not a lot, but affiliate programs also provide great content for the traffic on your site. Such as,  I could say “Do you need some craft supplies to keep your kids busy while your working at home?? Buy them here!”  and if you buy something on my site I make a small commission off of the sale, which in turn, helps my family.  Affiliate Programs are a great way for bloggers to make a few extra dollars each month.  I personally know each of these programs work because I am an Affiliate for them so I wanted to share with you a list of my Top 5 Favorite Affiliate Programs:

1. Amazon Affiliates: Amazon is one of the best affiliate programs online today!  They have thousands of different products and anyone can find something they like on Amazon.  If you have a niche blog or website you can build a store and gear your products towards your audience.  Check out my store and see if it’s something you would want to do!

2. CafePress:  CafePress is a unique website.  You can make money a few different ways on CafePress.  You can join their affiliate program and make 15% commission when anyone you refer makes a purchase from the CafePress Marketplace.  You can also become a seller on CafePress and create your own designs to go on T-shirts, Mugs, Home Decor and more.  You can create your own store and sell your own designed products, or sell products that other people have made and added to the Marketplace.  If you don’t want to mess with a store but want your designs on products that anyone can buy.. you can join, design your products, upload them to the Marketplace and wait for your royalty checks to come in once they sell.  I have a CafePress store.. Check out my designs and see if there is anything you like here! 🙂

3. Walmart: Walmart offers a great affiliate program.  You have access to over 7 million products on their website and receive a commission that varies on each product.  You get access to banner and product links you can display on your website or blog.

4. ClickBank: ClickBank’s referral program offers 75% commission on all referral sales made by your blog or website.  Its free and easy to join!

5. Craftsy:  Craftsy offers an affiliate program.  You can earn money on referrals from your blog/website when your readers purchase any craft supplies or e-books.

These are just my 5 favorite programs.  Do you have any Affiliate Programs that are making you money at home?? If so, list them in the comments! 🙂

Top 5 Product Testing Community Sites To Join!


Are you a product testing blogger??  Being a product tester myself,  I have come across a few community sites that wanted to share with everyone.  I think every product tester should join these sites I have listed.  They are community websites..How the community sites work: You create a profile and link your blog/website.  The more you participate in the communities (following other bloggers, participating in campaigns, connecting with peers, ect.) the more free products you will receive in the mail to review on your blog.  Not only can you get free products but this is a great way to bring traffic to your blog or website and build up your social presence. This is one of my favorite ways to make money online and its really easy!  You get free products for you and your family to use, which saves money on groceries and household expenses, and all you really have to do is spend a little time writing a review on the products you used.  Check out these sites.. What do you have to loose?? Nothing.. because its all free 😉

1. Tomoson- This website does not pay you to review their products but they offer tons of products you can qualify for, to do a review.  If you want to be paid for a product review, you can submit your own charge to the specific company you are applying for.  I typically don’t charge so I can get as many free products as possible.   I have received some products from this company so I know they are legit!

2. Sverve–  This is a community site that offers sponsored blog posts, targeted tweets, YouTube promotions, and Pinterest sweepstakes you can be a part of.  The more you interact with the community the more opportunities you will receive.  You can link your blog to your profile to build traffic and follow other bloggers.

3. Influenster-  This is a community site.  You build up your rank by interacting with the community.  The higher your rank the more products or “VoxBox’s” you will receive. A VoxBox is a box with a few full-sized products for you to test and review on your blogs.  This is also a great site to be a part of!

4. MomsMeet-  This is another community site.  This is a little different, You can sign up to be a moms meet blogger and get free products to blog about or you can become a Mom Ambassador and lead discussion groups and help parents make Eco-friendly choices for their families.  

5. TopMommyBloggers-  This is another great community site to be a part of.  You can be a mom/dad blogger or just advertise on their website if you have great products for moms or dads.  If you are a blogger you can join the community, add a sticker to your blog and start gaining “votes” for your site.  The more votes you have the higher you rank in the community and the more traffic you will have on your own sites.  This site has tons of different categories you can add your blog to, they don’t focus just on product reviews.  

Well there you have it.. My Top 5 Sites to Join if your a Product Tester!  Enjoy 🙂

Make Money At Home With Fiverr!!


I wanted to share with you the best way to make $5 online today! If you haven’t heard of Fiverr yet, read on.  Fiverr is a fairly new website that allows its users to buy and sell their “gigs” for $5 each.  What is a “gig” you ask??  Well a “gig” is anything a person wants to do for money, basically.  The category’s for gigs on Fiverr are as follows: Graphics & Design, Online Marketing, Writing & Translation, Video & Animation, Music & Audio, Programming & Tech, Advertising, Business, Lifestyle, Gifts, and Bizarre.  If you are looking to make money at home this website is GREAT!  You can become a seller on this website and sell your gigs such as “I will write your 1,000 word essay paper” or ” I will write a blog post for you on my blog” or even silly things like “I will sing you Happy Birthday in a hula dress” all for $5 per gig.  You can offer as many gigs, in as many categories, as you would like.  If you offer great services that people want to buy, you can become a top seller on the site and your profile will show up first when someone search’s for gigs.  Now, as a seller you should be warned that Fiverr does have to take their cut on every $5 made on the site.  You are entitled to 80% of your profits so you get a little over $4 on every sale you make.  You can get paid via PayPal.  If you are a mommy blogger like myself you can offer to review products for people.   If you love write music, there is a songwriters category.  There is even a category that if you have a pretty face, you can offer to be someones friend on Facebook!  This site is a great way to make a quick $5 and anyone can do it!! And If you sign up today. via my referral link, you will get a free gig! Why not try it out and see what kind of money YOU can make online!

5 Real Survey Sites- Make Money At Home!


Do you like to take polls, quizzes, or surveys?? You can sign up with these survey websites and get paid for your opinions! You have to be careful when signing up with some survey sites. I have found that with some sites you don’t qualify for half of their surveys and you end up wasting hours of your time. You also have to be careful for scam websites just trying to get your personal information. Most of the legit survey companies will offer small dollar amounts for the completion of each survey and will pay you via PayPal, in gift cards or in points that you can redeem in their stores.  You usually only need a valid e-mail address to sign up with them and its always free. The sites or e-mails some people come across stating “Make hundreds of dollars per day just completing online surveys!” are usually scams.  Nobody makes hundreds of dollars per day JUST completing surveys! Don’t get me wrong, there are tons of people who use survey sites and if you work at it, you can gain a part-time income.. but that’s it.. A Part-Time income.  If you would like to earn a few extra dollars each month to maybe put away for savings or just earn some gift cards for a few hours of your time,  try these LEGIT websites:

1. Bzzagent-  This company offer points on completion of each survey that you can redeem on MyPoints.com.  They also offer product testing opportunities for bloggers.  

2. Swagbucks-  This company allows members to get paid by doing stuff they do every day.  You gain swag bucks by watching videos, surfing the web, shopping online, playing games, and completing offers and surveys.  They offer swag bucks you can redeem for gift cards for online and offline retailers (such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, ect.).

3. InboxDollars- This company has the same concept as Swagbucks.  Exception: they offer a few cents each for completing every day tasks and reading paid e-mails.  You can cash out at $30 via PayPal or in gift cards.

4. OpinionOutpost- This company offers online surveys and pays in points that you can redeem for cash or amazon gift cards.

5. Hits4Pay-  This company offers dollar amounts for completing every day task and reading e-mails.  They also pay you a commission on friends you refer.  They pay out via PayPal after you reach $25.  They also offer a $5 sign on bonus so sign up today!

I use all of these survey sites so I know they all work and are Legit!  The amount one can make on any of these sites depends on how much time they have to spend online making money.  If you are someone who is online all the time.. try one of these sites or all of them together and see how much money you can make with very little effort 🙂

Check out my Work At Home Apparel Shop!

One of my favorite products! :)

One of my favorite products! 🙂

I wanted to offer some fun things for my work at home readers so I decided to open a CafePress shop.  In my shop, you will find some fun work at home apparel and products.  If you haven’t used or heard of CafePress before I’ll explain it a little.  CafePress is a website that allows anyone to design their own products and sell them online.  This is a great way to make money at home! You can create your own designs and upload them on products like clothing, phone cases, stationary, cups, wall decor and more.  CafePress also has built in software that allows you to create a custom design right on their website.  All of your designs can be saved and applied to as many different products as you would like.  You can create your own online shop and group your products together or you can sell individual products in their market place.  CafePress users receive a royalty payment on all items sold from their shops.  The royalty you receive on each item is different.  CafePress sets a base pay for all items.  You then have the option to choose your own “mark-up” price which is the amount you will receive as your royalty payment.  If a customer buys your item from the CafePress marketplace instead of your website, you will receive a 10% royalty payment.   If your not into designing your own products, You can still become an affiliate for CafePress.  As an affiliate, you can earn 15% commission on all products sold in the marketplace by your referral link.  CafePress is completely free to join, an online store is free with no monthly maintenance fees and signing up as an affiliate is also free!  You really have nothing to loose! Take a look at my store or visit CafePress.com for more information or to sign-up!

Here’s my shop:

The Ultimate Work At Home Apparel Shop

Real Typing At Home Jobs


Do you want to work at home typing?? If you can’t do phone jobs (because of screaming kids or barking dogs in your back ground constantly).. give data-entry/transcription jobs a try! There are companies who pay at home workers to provide data entry for them.  Most of them just require a computer and the internet.  You can also build a profile on sites like Elance or Odesk and apply for freelance jobs posted by real people.  If you have a blog or website you can link this to your profiles and you have a better change of landing a job on these sites. Or you can be a freelance writer and write articles for well known websites and magazines. All of these are great ways to work at home. If you are serious about working at home..Here are some companies you should check out:

1. Elance- Job bank/Auction type website that allows you to bid on jobs posted such as virtual assistants, data entry, writing jobs, and marketing positions.

2. Odesk- Job bank/Auction type website that allows you to bid on jobs posted such as virtual assistant positions, data entry, writing jobs, and customer service.

3. Capital Typing Service- They offer general, legal, and medical transcription positions along with data-entry and virtual assistant positions.

4. Mass Transcription- This company offers general and legal transcription jobs.

5. Modern Day Scribe- This company offers general, legal, and medical transcription jobs, along with data entry and editing jobs.

6. About.com- This company offers writing jobs.  You can write articles on different topics from your home.

7. ProBlogger-  This is a website that has a jobs board for bloggers.

If you have Medical billing or Medical Transcription experience you can apply to the following companies:

1. FastChart- A Medical Transcription service.

2. MD-IT- A Medical Transcription service.  Requires 2 years of experience.

3. NJPR- A Medical Transcription and Coding service. 

4. Perfect Transcription- This company offers Medical Transcription, Editing jobs, Account Manager jobs, and IT support jobs.

Do you work at home as a freelance writer or transcriptionist?? If so, share your company in the comments.  Only legit companies please! 🙂

15 Real Work At Home Customer Service Jobs


Are you good with people? There are real companies out there who hire at home workers to answer incoming calls as you would in a call center.  There are also companies who hire at home workers to make outbound calls to businesses or residential customers for advertising (Telemarketing). Many companies do this to save money on the upkeep of a call center. This in turn helps a lot of people work at home. It is a great way to make money at home if you have customer service experience.  You just need a quiet environment, a computer with high speed internet, and a dedicated phone line with a head set. If you can dedicate a few hours per day making or taking phone calls, here are some companies you should try out:

*Please note: I do not work for these companies so I do not know when or if they are hiring.  Please check the websites for their current job listings.

1. ARO Contact Center– This company offers customer service and sales positions.

2. Asurion- This company offers customer service and technical support positions.

3. Cruise.com– This company offers group coordinator positions and travel agent positions.

4. Next Level Solutions– This company offers telemarketing positions.

5. Service800inc– This company offers customer service/telemarketing positions.

6. Xerox-  This company offers Customer Service jobs, Data-entry jobs, IT support jobs, and Marketing jobs.

7. U-Haul- This company offers Customer Service jobs.

8. 1-800-Flowers- This company offers seasonal Customer Services jobs.

9. American Express- This company offers Customer Service jobs.

10. Dell- This company offers Customer Service jobs, Sales jobs, Marketing jobs, and more.

11. Pizza Hut- This company offers Customer Service jobs.

12. Aetna- This company offers Customer Service jobs, Account Management jobs, and more.

13. Hilton- This company offers Customer Service jobs making reservations for their hotel.

14. Staples- This company offers Customer Service jobs.

15. AT&T- This company offers Customer Service jobs.

Enjoy! 🙂

Tips and Advice for Working At Home

funny cards3

If you are currently working at home or trying to transition into a work at home career, you may need some help figuring out how to stay focused. I have listed a few things that help me stay sane, organized and on top of things!


Start a schedule that works for you and try to stick with that schedule as much as possible.  People that work out side of the home have a schedule (usually determined and reinforced by a manager) and so should you!  My schedule looks something like this: (On the days I’m not cleaning houses) I get up and get myself ready for the day.  I then wake up the girls and get them dressed, teeth brushed, hair done and make a small breakfast.  I then drop my oldest off to school and come home.   Once I get home, I sit down and make a “to do” list. Making a to-do list is very helpful when you work at home. You can download the “to-do” list I made and use every day for free on my Printables post. I like making a list because when you work at home because its very easy to get distracted by life and housework and forget what you needed to do.. this helps you get things done that are important and its always fun checking the things off as you get them done.  It makes me feel much more productive!  Once my “to do” list is made I get to work.  I try to get a few hours of work done first thing in the morning while my daughter is watching cartoons or playing.  Usually around 10 am I take a break from working and play! You can’t work from home with out having some fun in your day.  I usually take from 10-1 as a 3 hour break from working and play with my youngest, I take her for a walk or to the park, play in the pool, whatever she wants to do basically and usually around noon I start lunch. We eat lunch together and then I take and hour or so to clean my house.  I load my dishwasher, load my washing machine, vacuum, dust,  whatever housework it is I need to do for the day I get it done around this time.  Once the house work is finished I get back to work for a few hours before I have to pick my other daughter up from school.  I can usually finish up my “to do” list at this time.  Around 4:00 pm my husband gets home and I’m home with my other daughter and I usually stop what ever I’m working on to spend time with him and the girls.  I usually finish my “work” day at this time unless I have  a lot of work to do and in that case he will take over in caring for the kids so I can do finish what I am doing.  Once I am done I shut down the computer and have family time.

Having a good schedule or routine that works for you and your family will help you out a lot!  Keep in mind that you do have a life and responsibilities so you cannot always stick to your schedule but the lovely thing about working at home is you can be flexible to do things when YOU need to or when you have the time to.

Your Space:

Set up an office space for yourself.  I have my home office set up in my spare bedroom with my desk, printer, phone, paper, pens, crafting supplies ect. and I can lock the door when I need to.  This comes in handy when I need to have a quiet environment for phone calls.  The great thing about my office is, the 2 windows I have I can see the entire back yard so the kids can play and I can still see and hear everything they are doing. I also have a space in my living room where I have a lounge chair next to an outlet so I can work on the laptop while the kids are playing. They usually occupy themselves if they see mom working.  Also, If the kids want me to be outside with them,I have a huge extension cord that reaches out to my patio so I can bring the computer outside to my patio table and get some work done if I need to.

Be Flexible:

No matter what you are doing, working at home, you need to have flexibility.  If you have small children like I do you know how fast their wants, needs, and attention spans change daily!  You have to be able to adapt to the constant changes and still stay focused.  It can be frustrating when you are in the middle of writing something and one of the kids wants a snack or some juice or to go outside and you have to stop what you are doing to help them.  Just take the 5-10 minutes you need to help them with whatever they need, remind them that mommy is working and try to get back to work.  Remember the main reason you are working at home is to better their lives so take time out to enjoy them every day and enjoy the fact that you can work at home! Don’t get stressed out and give up.. you can do this! 🙂