About Me

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Hi! I’m Angie.. A work at home mom.. but it hasn’t always been this way! I have tried pretty much everything in the past 5 years since my girls have been born. My husband works a day shift job for his fathers company so his hours have never changed. He has been there for 12 years and will eventually take over the company when his father retires. When we had our first daughter I was working full-time as a Medical Biller. We figured out quickly that daycare was very expensive so we decided it was best to stay home with her for the first year. I wanted to stay home longer but I found out I was pregnant again (my oldest was only 9 months old when we found out I was pregnant!) So with 2 little girls I most defiantly needed to go back to work for financial reasons. I decided to go back to work second shift as a server so we didn’t have to pay for daycare. I did that for 3 years straight and it was hard! I liked being home during the day with my girls and not having the extra expenses of daycare.. but I missed my family. I wasn’t home for dinner or bath time or the normal bed time routines 6 nights a week. That put a lot of strain on my husband who also works 40 hours a week because he had to then come home and handle everything alone. I wasn’t getting home until after midnight each night so I was missing my husband everyday. I missed most holiday gatherings and weekend cook outs and we both started to feel like single parents. Yes we were able to pay our bills and had money in the bank .. but we weren’t enjoying our lives. We then decided it was best I stay at home. It was very hard for the first few months. We went from 2 full time incomes (with me getting paid cash daily) to trying to live off of one income with a family of 4. It was so tough in fact, I had to make my ultimate decision of working from home and out of other peoples homes. I have been working from home for awhile now and I love it!! I am so so so happy I made this decision. I am not only working from my home but out of other peoples homes as well, by being their Housekeeper. Money is still a little tight because I’m only making a part time income but we are making it work. I started this blog to help other moms and families who are like ours and need/want a parent home with their children. I hope that what you find here will help at least one parent out there make the ultimate decision to stay home with your children!

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There are many different ways someone can work from home but I wanted to explain how I work at home.  I do a lot of different things combined to make a monthly income. The main thing I do is Housekeeping. I think this is the BEST way to make a steady part time or full time income for moms! I have a lot of experience in cleaning (cleaning for a nursing facility, working with a cleaning company, cleaning my own home, ect.) So I put up an ad on Craigslist and Care.com and started gaining clients quickly. Once I did a few jobs they referred me to their friends and so on. I am now working 3 days a week for 3-4 hours a day. I charge $20/hour to clean someones home so I typically make $60-80/day for only a few hours of work. I can still drop off and pick up both of my daughters at school and I have days each week that I can volunteer at my oldest daughters school. I can work my cleaning appointments around the kids schedules and doctors appointments, I get paid what I am worth and I get to determine my own prices, I only clean for a few hours each day so I have minimal daycare costs (especially now with one in school and the other in a daycare/preschool program), and I have the opportunity to help other busy moms and dads enjoy their time with their children, it is amazing! I have gained a few weekly, bi-weekly, and once a month clients which is all I needed to stay busy. On my days off and when I’m not at the school volunteering, I work at home doing surveys sites, transcription, affiliate programs, and blogging. Its great being able to be home most of the time with my children but still having that extra money for groceries, gas, and savings. I don’t work weekends or holidays and my clients know when my children have school breaks I can’t clean because I’ll be home with them.  If they really want me to clean they will allow me to bring them with me. I hope this can inspire someone out there and if anyone needs any help getting started, just shoot me an email! 🙂 Thanks for reading!

sisters                   smiling

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