Make Money At Home With Fiverr!!


I wanted to share with you the best way to make $5 online today! If you haven’t heard of Fiverr yet, read on.  Fiverr is a fairly new website that allows its users to buy and sell their “gigs” for $5 each.  What is a “gig” you ask??  Well a “gig” is anything a person wants to do for money, basically.  The category’s for gigs on Fiverr are as follows: Graphics & Design, Online Marketing, Writing & Translation, Video & Animation, Music & Audio, Programming & Tech, Advertising, Business, Lifestyle, Gifts, and Bizarre.  If you are looking to make money at home this website is GREAT!  You can become a seller on this website and sell your gigs such as “I will write your 1,000 word essay paper” or ” I will write a blog post for you on my blog” or even silly things like “I will sing you Happy Birthday in a hula dress” all for $5 per gig.  You can offer as many gigs, in as many categories, as you would like.  If you offer great services that people want to buy, you can become a top seller on the site and your profile will show up first when someone search’s for gigs.  Now, as a seller you should be warned that Fiverr does have to take their cut on every $5 made on the site.  You are entitled to 80% of your profits so you get a little over $4 on every sale you make.  You can get paid via PayPal.  If you are a mommy blogger like myself you can offer to review products for people.   If you love write music, there is a songwriters category.  There is even a category that if you have a pretty face, you can offer to be someones friend on Facebook!  This site is a great way to make a quick $5 and anyone can do it!! And If you sign up today. via my referral link, you will get a free gig! Why not try it out and see what kind of money YOU can make online!

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