Organizing Printables for bloggers!

Here are some Printables I’ve made to help you stay organized!  I know working at home I HAVE to write things down.  I always have so many ideas floating around in my head that I needed a list that would help me organize those ideas. I searched and searched for lists that would work for me but none of the printables I came across was really what I was looking for.  Now,  my printables aren’t very fancy like some of the ones I have seen on Pinterest but they are very helpful.  I made them myself in Microsoft Word.   They are simple, but they help me get things accomplished every day and I hope they will help you as well.  I personally have a binder that I keep all of my work at home stuff in that has page protectors and tabs for organization.  I will post a tutorial soon on how to make your own WAH binder with suggestions and printables  to fill it with.  I will also add more printables as I develop them so be sure to check back!  🙂

User ID List




Product Reviews Printable


Blogger To-Do List


blog ideas printable



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