Tips and Advice for Working At Home

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If you are currently working at home or trying to transition into a work at home career, you may need some help figuring out how to stay focused. I have listed a few things that help me stay sane, organized and on top of things!


Start a schedule that works for you and try to stick with that schedule as much as possible.  People that work out side of the home have a schedule (usually determined and reinforced by a manager) and so should you!  My schedule looks something like this: (On the days I’m not cleaning houses) I get up and get myself ready for the day.  I then wake up the girls and get them dressed, teeth brushed, hair done and make a small breakfast.  I then drop my oldest off to school and come home.   Once I get home, I sit down and make a “to do” list. Making a to-do list is very helpful when you work at home. You can download the “to-do” list I made and use every day for free on my Printables post. I like making a list because when you work at home because its very easy to get distracted by life and housework and forget what you needed to do.. this helps you get things done that are important and its always fun checking the things off as you get them done.  It makes me feel much more productive!  Once my “to do” list is made I get to work.  I try to get a few hours of work done first thing in the morning while my daughter is watching cartoons or playing.  Usually around 10 am I take a break from working and play! You can’t work from home with out having some fun in your day.  I usually take from 10-1 as a 3 hour break from working and play with my youngest, I take her for a walk or to the park, play in the pool, whatever she wants to do basically and usually around noon I start lunch. We eat lunch together and then I take and hour or so to clean my house.  I load my dishwasher, load my washing machine, vacuum, dust,  whatever housework it is I need to do for the day I get it done around this time.  Once the house work is finished I get back to work for a few hours before I have to pick my other daughter up from school.  I can usually finish up my “to do” list at this time.  Around 4:00 pm my husband gets home and I’m home with my other daughter and I usually stop what ever I’m working on to spend time with him and the girls.  I usually finish my “work” day at this time unless I have  a lot of work to do and in that case he will take over in caring for the kids so I can do finish what I am doing.  Once I am done I shut down the computer and have family time.

Having a good schedule or routine that works for you and your family will help you out a lot!  Keep in mind that you do have a life and responsibilities so you cannot always stick to your schedule but the lovely thing about working at home is you can be flexible to do things when YOU need to or when you have the time to.

Your Space:

Set up an office space for yourself.  I have my home office set up in my spare bedroom with my desk, printer, phone, paper, pens, crafting supplies ect. and I can lock the door when I need to.  This comes in handy when I need to have a quiet environment for phone calls.  The great thing about my office is, the 2 windows I have I can see the entire back yard so the kids can play and I can still see and hear everything they are doing. I also have a space in my living room where I have a lounge chair next to an outlet so I can work on the laptop while the kids are playing. They usually occupy themselves if they see mom working.  Also, If the kids want me to be outside with them,I have a huge extension cord that reaches out to my patio so I can bring the computer outside to my patio table and get some work done if I need to.

Be Flexible:

No matter what you are doing, working at home, you need to have flexibility.  If you have small children like I do you know how fast their wants, needs, and attention spans change daily!  You have to be able to adapt to the constant changes and still stay focused.  It can be frustrating when you are in the middle of writing something and one of the kids wants a snack or some juice or to go outside and you have to stop what you are doing to help them.  Just take the 5-10 minutes you need to help them with whatever they need, remind them that mommy is working and try to get back to work.  Remember the main reason you are working at home is to better their lives so take time out to enjoy them every day and enjoy the fact that you can work at home! Don’t get stressed out and give up.. you can do this! 🙂

Organizing Printables for bloggers!

Here are some Printables I’ve made to help you stay organized!  I know working at home I HAVE to write things down.  I always have so many ideas floating around in my head that I needed a list that would help me organize those ideas. I searched and searched for lists that would work for me but none of the printables I came across was really what I was looking for.  Now,  my printables aren’t very fancy like some of the ones I have seen on Pinterest but they are very helpful.  I made them myself in Microsoft Word.   They are simple, but they help me get things accomplished every day and I hope they will help you as well.  I personally have a binder that I keep all of my work at home stuff in that has page protectors and tabs for organization.  I will post a tutorial soon on how to make your own WAH binder with suggestions and printables  to fill it with.  I will also add more printables as I develop them so be sure to check back!  🙂

User ID List




Product Reviews Printable


Blogger To-Do List


blog ideas printable



10 of the most popular Home Business Opportunities


If you are looking for a Home Business you can start today with little investment you have come to the right place! This post has a list of 10 of the most popular Home Business Opportunities that you can start making money with today! Home Business Opportunities are different from Work At Home Jobs.  Home Business Opportunities offer you a way to start your own business out of your home.  Work at home jobs are just that.. Jobs. There are different types of Home Business Opportunities you can be a part of.  One type is Direct Sales Opportunities. With Direct Sales you typically have to pay a start-up fee to become a Representative with one these companies but with your money you will receive a start-up kit with brochures, training materials, and free products to jump start your business. You typically make 10-50% in commission on the products you sell.  All of the companies listed below are Direct Sales And Multi-Level Marketing companies.  MLM companies not only pay you a commission for the sales you make but they also pay you a commission on the sales of the salespeople you recruit. Here is a list of the 10 most popular Home Business Opportunities in no particular order:

1. Avon:

Avon has been around for 125 years!  Become an Avon Representative for just $15. They offer a ton of different products likeable by all ages.  They have make-up, perfume, clothes, shoes, body wash, shampoo & conditioner, kids toys, and gifts for men.  They offer 50% discount on products you want to order for yourself and you can earn commission up to 50% on products you sell. You can also make commission on products sold by people who are under you. They also offer recruiting incentives and cash incentives for selling so much product. You can sign up here and begin building your free website.

2. It Works:

It works has been in business for 14 years now.  You can become a Wrapreneur with It Works.  For $99 you can start up your own Wrapping business with this company.  In your kit you will receive a 4 pack of body wraps (that sell for $25 each so you can make your money right back) Marketing tools, and 1 month free on your website.  It Works sells body wraps, facial products (cleansers, toners, ect.), and vitamin related products.  They offer discounts on products you order and up to 20% commission on products you sell and your receive commission on products that sell by people who are under you. You can sign up here.

3. Mary-Kay:

Mary-Kay has been in business since 1963! Become a Mary-Kay Beauty Consultant for $100. Your kit will include retail sized products to demonstrate at your home parties, brochures, DVD and training sales tips, and product samples.  Mary-Kay has jewelry, make-up and make-up accessories to offer.  You can earn up to 50% commission on all their products and earn commission on people under you.  You can sign up to be a Beauty Consultant here.

4. Scensy:

Scensy was started in 2004. You can become a Scensy Representative for $99.  In your kit you will receive 80+ scent testing samples to share at your home parties, demonstration products, brochures, order forms, and training tools.  Scensy offers flame-less wax warmers of all different styles and sizes, wax, room fresheners, and bath and body products.  They offer discounts on your products and you can receive up to 30% in commission and commission on people under you.  You can sign up here.

5. Jamberry Nails:

Become an Independent Consultant with Jamberry Nails.  This company just started in 2010 but it is growing quickly!  Jump on now to grow to the top fast! Jamberry Nails offer really cute & stylish nail wraps.  You can host home parties and give your guests a manicure (what woman doesn’t love a manicure!?) and apply their nail wraps or demonstrate how to do it. You can get your starter kit for $99.  In your kit you will receive business supplies (brochures, order forms, and marketing tips) A sheet of Jamberry Nails, orange sticks, cuticle pushers, a mini heater, nail files, and 3 months free of your website! You get discounts on your products and earn 40% commission on products you sell and earn commission on people under you.  This is a great time to get started with this company while they are still a smaller company! You can sign up here to get started today!

6. BeachBody:

BeachBody has been around for about 10 years.  You can become a BeachBody Coach for just $39.95.  Your $39.95 will get you everything you need to get started with this company including one month free use of your own website.  BeachBody is a company who turned weight loss into a profitable company.  Who would of thought you can get paid for loosing weight?!  Basically with this program you start using their products yourself and you loose weight.  You then help/coach others on how to loose weight and offer BeachBody’s products to do so.  You make commission off the products you sell and off of memberships people sign up for under you.  You don’t have to be a fitness expert to be a coach with this company.  You just need to have self-discipline and your own results to show off and the products will sell themselves!  Sign up to be a coach today here.

7. Thirty-One:

Thirty-One was founded in 2003.  Thirty-One offers handbags, back packs, purses, organizing totes, wallets, and other accessories.  Most Thirty-One products can be personalized with your customers names or whatever they would like stitched on their gifts.  You can become a consultant for Thirty-One today for $99.00.  Your kit will include: Wristlet Wallet, Zipper Pouch,  Fold-and-Go Organizer, Thermal Tote, Large Utility Tote, About Town Blanket, Picnic Thermal Tote , Littles Carry-All Caddy, Mini Organizer, All-In-One Organizer, Square Utility Tote, and all your business tools needed.  As a consultant, you will earn 25% commissions on all of your sales and commissions on products sold via your down-line. Become a Thirty-One consultant today here!

8. Jewelry In Candles:

Jewelry in Candles is a fairly new company.  They offer exactly what their name says.. Candles with jewelry inside of them!  All of their candles are Eco-friendly and made with 100% soy wax.  Customers can choose which type of jewelry and the size of the jewelry they want placed in their candle.  The jewelry values range from $10-10,000.  You can get a starter kit for only $29.95!  Your kit will include a free website, catalogs, and 20 scent samples.  You can upgrade to 44 scent samples for an extra $24.00. There are no extra monthly fees with this business.  Click here to become a Representative today!

9. Younique:

Younique started in 2012.  They offer natural based make up products.  Tons of people are raving about their 3D Fiber Lashes! Younique is one of the few direct selling companies that do most of their “home parties” online via social media. You can also receive a debit card to have all of your commission earning deposited on.  You can purchase a starter kit for $99.00.  The kit includes: 16 Shimmer Pigment Testers, 16 Matte Pigment Testers, All 6 Concealer Testers, All 5 Blusher Testers, 3D Fiber Lashes, Eye Brush Set, Free business website, White Status Charm, Instant Access to the Younique Virtual Party System™, Presenter’s Guide,  $25 in Younique Cash on your Birthday annually, PayQuicker Younique bank account,  All of this comes in their signature black faux leather Younique case.  As a Presenter you will receive 25% commissions on your sales.  You can sign up to become a Presenter today! Click here.

10. Pure Romance:

Become a Representative with Pure Romance for $99. Your basic kit will include bath and beauty products, 3 designer toys, lubricant, samples and business supplies.  Pure Romance offers pheromone perfumes, lotions, bath and body products, romance enhancing toys and lingerie.  You receive 40% commission on products you sell and commission on those under you. If you are comfortable talking about sex and romance with other woman this is the business for you! You can become a Representative here.

Do you have a Home Business Opportunity I haven’t listed?? Comment below, but please no spamming!! Spammers will be removed.  Thanks 🙂