Butterfly cup puppets

Hmmm.. Another rainy day in Michigan..So we decided to get crafty today! We are sharing how to make your own butterfly cup puppets!  These are super cute, fun to make, and fun to play with 🙂

Here is what you will need:

1. Plastic cups

2. Glue

3. White paper (we used printer paper, you can also use construction paper)

4. Scissors

5. Pipe cleaners

6. Paint, markers, or crayons

7. Black construction paper

*I started by laying the cup down on the white paper and making a line along the top and bottom of the cup so you know how big to make the wings.

*With the lines in place draw a “B” on each side so it looks like butterfly wings.  Cut the wings out and hand them to the kids to decorate.

*While they are decorating the wings (let them paint or color the wings how ever they want to) Make the slits in the top of the cup with scissors for the butterfly antennas.

*Cut one full pipe cleaner into 4’s so you have short pipe cleaners.  Stick two in each cup for the antennas. **Note: Bend/twist the pipe cleaners together inside the top of the cup to keep them from falling out while they fly around.

*I then let the kids cut out the eyes (On the black construction paper) for the butterfly and let them to glue the eyes on and they drew the mouth on with a black marker.

*If your kids painted the butterfly wings, let the wings dry a little, then glue the wings on the back of the cup.

*Your butterflies should now look like this:

That is what the back should look like..

There you have it! Butterfly cup puppets!! Once the glue drys these butterflies are ready to fly around the house! Here is a picture of my girls enjoying their butterflies 🙂

And here’s a close-up:

Have fun creating these cute butterfly cup puppets!!

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